When you are running low on time, low on energy and low on foods that you can quickly prepare at home, it's tempting to order take-out from a nearby restaurant. Going this route may seem more convenient at the time, but the price you pay in calories and food quality may not be worth it. Take out food can be high in fat, sugar, and preservatives. Don't feel trapped, there's always another option. You can reduce your reliance on restaurant-fare by keeping your fridge and pantry stocked with a few basic salad essentials.
To remain in control of your food choices, always have a few basic staples on hand when homemade "fast food" is in demand.
Below is a list of some simple items to keep around so you can whip up a simple salad in no time. Pair your salad with a cup of soup or a sandwich and you've got easy, healthy fast food from home!
Pre-washed salad mix, cucumbers, tomatoes, onion, avocado, sunflower seeds, ground flaxseed, extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) and red wine vinegar.
Other optional salad add-ins can include black or green olives, garbanzo beans, black beans, boiled eggs, cheese, grilled or baked chicken, or canned tuna.
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