About Tonya

I am first and foremost a Mom and a wife. After that, I strive to be an inspiring cook. I believe in the power of good food to bring health, vibrancy and longevity to our lives and I use my gifts to help others create healthy relationships with cooking and eating real food.

I received a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology from Winston-Salem State University and a Master of Science in Molecular Biology at East Carolina University before becoming a Certified Wellness Coach. In 2006, I founded my own company focused on healthy lifestyle education/training, wellness coaching, and consulting. 

My family, just like so many others in this country, has been touched by weight issues, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer. More than 15 years ago, I made a commitment to take control of my life and along the way dropped 4 dress sizes. I did this by adding more nourishing plant-based foods to my diet, limiting my intake of meat and making regular physical activity an integral part of my lifestyle.

My motto is “love your family to life”. My mission is to help families lead healthier lives by showing them how to use good food as recipe for good health in a quick, fun and affordable way. My workshops and healthy eating programs empower individuals to move away from disease-promoting foods and to embrace a natural, whole-food philosophy as a fundamental approach to healthier and happier living.

In May 2009, I was invited to appear on the Rachael Ray Show, alongside President Bill Clinton, for my  efforts to promote nutritious food and daily physical fitness in my son's school. After the show, I had the awesome privilege of standing alongside former President Clinton to tape a special video message to encourage Moms across the nation to help fight childhood obesity by promoting wellness programs in schools. I actually started a parent focused wellness program in my son's school - Parents Promoting Wellness.

I have written a new book, Quick Wins: What Your Family Can Do NOW to Eat Healthier to teach families simple ways to capitalize on small, yet impactful steps, to change their relationship with food and start a lifetime of healthier eating.

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