Tuesday, April 27, 2010

CSA Inspired - Fresh Local Organic (week 4)

Yours truly, Tonya Peele, The Inspiring Cook is happily cooking through another week. This week I cooked a dinner time staple - homemade spaghetti. Now, I have cooked a LOT of spaghetti meals in my day. In fact, my stepfather started a long-time running family joke that if Tonya ever offered to cook dinner, you could rest assure you're eating spaghetti! And he was right. At the time, that was the only dish I felt confident enough to cook for a crowd and ensure it would be a hit.

I still cook spaghetti occassionally, but I've made a lot of changes to my earlier recipes. First, I made the switch from ground beef to ground turkey because turkey was leaner. Didn't like the taste of the turkey too much. Then I quit adding meat altogether and started substituting fresh vegetables like zucchini, red onions, portabella mushrooms and yellow squash. But, this week a recipe in my CSA share box inspired me to step up my game just a little bit more.

CSA share produce - Week 4

The leafy greens bunched together with a rubber band in the photo are arugula. Arugula is an aromatic salad green that is very low in calories - a 1/2 cup serving is only two calories - and high in vitamins A and C. Vitamin A helps keep the eyes and skin healthy and is most abundant in red, orange, deep yellow and dark green fruits and veggies. Vitamin C heals cuts and wounds and prevents colds and other illnesses. Arugula is also known by a few other names including: rocket, roquette, rugula and rucola.

On most weeks, my CSA sends out a newsletter with produce preparation and handling tips and a Recipe of the Week. This week, the featured recipe was Spaghetti with Tomatoes & Arugula. Arugula in spaghetti? Hmmm, this uncommon addition definitely piqued my interest. I tried the recipe with a few of my own modifications the same day, left it stewing on the stove for my family while I dashed off to an evening meeting. My 7-year old son said it was the best spaghetti he had ever eaten. I was startled because most of the time he won't eat more than a spoonful of sauce and 2 or 3 spaghetti noodles before pushing it to the side of his plate! So if you also have a picky eater at home, I encourage you to try this recipe. I am certain the little kids (and the big ones too) are gonna love it. I added a bonus recipe for Arugula Pesto you might also want to try.

Leave a comment below to let me know your experiences with either of these recipes.

Spaghetti with Tomatoes & Arugula

1 lb          spaghetti, whole wheat thin noodles
1 bunch    arugula, stems removed, chopped
1 bunch    green onions, chopped
3 cloves    garlic, minced
3 tbsp      olive oil
2 cans     diced tomatoes
pinch of sugar
salt, red pepper, basil, oregano to taste

1. Cook pasta until "al dente".
2. Lightly saute the onions, garlic, and chopped arugula in olive oil.
3. Puree onions, garlic, and arugula in food processor.
4. Return processed onions, garlic and argula to a stock pot. Add tomatoes and cover over medium heat until the sauce thickens.
5. Add seasonings to taste.
6. Serve immediatley.

Arugula Pesto

1                       bunch arugula, stems removed (about 4 ounces)
2 3/4 tsp           coarse or Kosher salt
1/3 cup             extra virgin olive oil
Freshly ground pepper to taste

1.Fill a large bowl with ice and add water, set aside. Fill a medium sized saucepan with water and the 2 1/2 teaspoons of salt, and bring it to a boil. Add the arugula and as soon as the water returns to a boil, remove the arugula with a slotted spoon and place it immediately into the ice water to stop the cooking process.

2.Transfer the arugula to several layers of paper toweling or clean kitchen towels and allow to drain. Roll up the towels and squeeze as much moisture as possible from the arugula.

3.Place the arugula in a food processor and add the oil, 1/4 teaspoon of salt and the pepper and puree until the mixture looks like thick pesto. There will be a small amount of oil on the surface. Use immediately or transfer the mixture to a jar with a tight fitting lid if you are going to store it. This will keep for at least 5 days, refrigerated. Before using, stir the pesto to incorporate the oil accumulated at the top.

4.Serve the pesto over some freshly cooked pasta or boiled potatoes.
*adapted from http://www.gourmetsleuth.com/

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