Friday, March 12, 2010

Mediterranean Soul: a unique foodstyle

I believe in food wisdom. Food wisdom means eating foods that make sense. For me, this translates into eating foods rich in culture, variety, flavor and nutrition. If you read my blog, you know my food philosophy is simple - food should taste good, nourish the body and preserve health. The onset of food manufacturing has made food more complex. The food that passes across many American plates today, (i.e. the Standard American Diet (SAD)) is so far removed from its natural state that it would be unrecognizable to our great-grandparents. Overconsumption of non-nutritive foods promotes undernourishment, obesity and related diseases. That’s why I say “no” to the highly processed, fake food that lines our supermarket shelves and restaurants menus. These high-salt, high-sugar, high-fat, highly processed foods are predicated upon convenience and economics, not the health and longevity of consumers.

I ditched the Western way of eating years ago (losing 30 pounds along the way) and adopted a foodstyle that celebrates the food wisdom of two rich cultures. As an African American, I come from a legacy of authentic cooks from the Southern US and West Africa. The traditional diet of my ancestors is steeped in nutritious fruits, vegetables, meats and grains. In pursuit of greater food wisdom and variety, I began to explore healthful cuisines of other regions. I have since thrust myself into the traditional diet of the Mediterranean, specifically Greece. Blending my own deep culinary roots with one of the healthiest diets in the world, made sense to me. The foods I live by are a unique union of Mediterranean and NeoSoul (healthy soul food). Let me inspire you to be nourished by the delicious, simple, life-giving foods of Mediterranean Soul cooking.

1 comment:

  1. I grew up eating mediterranean food and I continued eating it even after moving to the US; I can vouch that it has allowed me to avoid weight gains and all other problems related to the processed foods diet that a lot of people subscribe to.


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